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Tis Busy Behind the Scenes

Spirit Of Woodlan

School has begun. Two weeks sit comfortably, though maybe unwanted, under the waistbands of our comfy sweatpants. Routine settles in. Classes. Homework. Sports. And, of course, band practice.

Competition season lurks just around the bend. We all wait, ready to cheer the Spirit of Woodlan to victory, so many things are happening, so many things no one sees.

With sporting events comes concessions. Soccer, volleyball, and football games demand soda and candy and popcorn, OH MY! The band parents man their stations, selling all the essential sports-watching foods to earn money for the band. They work hard, but have fun!

Photos for senior banners have been taken, carefully cut out, and placed on the background. Soon these wonderful tributes to our seniors will adorn the football field.

Fundraisers. Is that like…the f word? Right? We all dread them. And we all participate as well as we can. From mattresses, to soap, to a pancake breakfast, ways to raise money for the band have been planned and scheduled.

You may or may not know that throughout the season, the band room is transformed with banners and decorations all centered on the theme of that year’s show. Every Thursday evening before a competition, a group of parents hangs out in the band room, adding life to the giant boring back wall. A bit of inspiration for our musicians. Something to keep the days of playing the same music, of marching the same steps exciting and new.

For that same reason, locker decorations will be hung on each band member’s locker every Thursday before a competition. The locker decorating duo plan phrases and images, buy paper, and pull out all their art supplies to create little bursts of fun on lockers this season. Believe me, the planning has begun.

Uniforms. So important! Returning students try on their old uniform to make sure it fits, and new members get fitted for their very own blue and white suit.

Two platforms are being built. Priming these happened last Saturday, and soon they will be given final paint coats. A giant crane is in the works. Props help make the show.

Guard uniforms and flags have been designed, and we wait to see what they will be. The guard is so important to the visual impact of the show. The right costumes and flags add drama and artistry.

The Saturday lunch crew is planning meals, figuring out what and how much we will need to send on competition days, to feed these hard-working marchers.

So many people already working on this year’s show. So much work already happening. It takes a lot of thinking and creating to keep this band going. They learn their music. They perfect the drill. And the families stand on the sidelines holding them up.

A big shout out to the Spirit of Woodlan for their first public performance at the football game on Friday, August 23rd. The first hit knocked me out of my seat! I know my daughter was impressed with how the new marchers did at their first show.

It’s just the beginning.

I’m ready for a great season of wishes and dreams coming true.

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